CHPL Attorney’s Mock Trial Team Ranks in National Competition – 4/7/19
After being awarded All Region Attorney as a collegiate mock trial advocate in 2011, CHPL’s own Caitlin Macker returned to the national collegiate mock trial tournament scene this weekend, as a coach. In just three years of volunteer coaching USCD’s collegiate mock trial team, Caitlin guided three UCSD teams to qualify for the American Mock Trial Association’s Championship Series. With CHPL’s feedback and Caitlin’s boundless mentorship, one of those teams went on to place 10th at the National Championship Tournament, competing against the top 48 teams in the nation. Caitlin and her students dedicated hundreds of hours over the course of the school year to achieve these successes. Congratulations to the UCSD students and their coach Caitlin Macker!
Caitlin Macker is a litigator with Caldarelli Hejmanowski Page & Leer whose practice is primarily business litigation.